College of Arts and Sciences Advising

100 Fitzgerald House
614 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-4567

College of Arts and Sciences
Dean's Office

Varner Hall, Room 217
371 Varner Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4485
(location map)
(248) 370-2140
Fax: (248) 370-4280

Two women standing over a table, in front of windows with green light.

Individual FLAGs

What are FLAGs?

  • Fundamental
  • Learning outcomes,
  • Achievements and
  • Goals

FLAGs are the fundamental transferable skills that employers and graduate programs expect candidates to possess. These skills are considered transferable, due to their nontechnical and adaptable nature. While technical skills are not always transferable from job to job or field to field, transferable skills can be adapted to fit most any role.

By identifying and tracking your progress in raising your FLAGs, you’ll be prepared to reference your experiences and apply them to applicable situations.

There are so many activities and assignments that you participate in throughout your time as an undergraduate student at OU. Taking the time to reflect upon your experiences and capture the knowledge that you gain while raising your FLAGs, will allow you to more easily write resume and job application bullet points, convey your experiences and strengths during various interview situations and self-advocate for your time here at OU.

Whether you are running for an e-board seat, applying for a research assistant or internship position, interviewing for graduate or professional school or applying for a full-time or part-time job, the ability to communicate your skills and experiences will increase your marketability for any position!

Innovation, Creativity and Technology
Grizzlies are at the forefront of innovating, thinking creatively and leveraging digital technology. They ethically and efficiently use technology to solve problems, complete complex tasks and accomplish their goals. They also have a creative and innovative mindset when completing tasks and solving problems. Grizzlies seek out and recommend emerging tools and technologies to improve existing environments and really set themselves apart with this FLAG.

I think it's important to remember that the creativity flag is not just reserved for people in art, design, film making or writing. You can be a creative mathematician or a creative biologist, making sure that when you use the creativity flag, it's about showing that you take intellectual risks. So making sure that when you are going to start a new project, you take time to think about not the first or second solution, but the third, fourth, or fifth. Go beyond what most people are going to think about to show that you're creative.

Grizzlies are at the forefront of innovating, thinking creatively and leveraging digital technology. They ethically and efficiently use technology to solve problems, complete complex tasks, and accomplish their goals. They also have a creative and innovative mindset when completing tasks and solving problems. Grizzlies seek out and recommend emerging tools and technologies to improve existing environments and really set themselves apart with these skills.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Golden Grizzlies harness the ability to analyze issues, make decisions and overcome problems by obtaining and interpreting facts and data. They exercise reasoning to resolve errors and make complex decisions based on information researched and collected.

OU students can raise their critical thinking and problem-solving flag by being open-minded, curious, and creative in class discussions and written assignments. Students should take courses in multiple disciplines, engage in research with faculty, and become involved in organizations like Student Congress and Bioethics Club. Golden Grizzlies harness the ability to analyze issues, make decisions, and overcome problems by obtaining and interpreting facts and data. They exercise reasoning to resolve errors and make complex decisions based on information researched and collected.

Communication and Listening
Grizzlies articulate their thoughts effectively using written and oral communication skills. They also understand that being a good listener is part of being a good communicator. Grizzlies take the lead with this FLAG and gain public speaking skills, learn to express their ideas clearly and master the art of writing and editing.

It's important from an employer's perspective for students to have great communication and listening skills for two reasons. One, they're able to collaborate at a high level across business areas while listening to the goals that the company wants to reach. Number two, they are able to communicate in multiple ways, whether that's written, oral, and a public speaking opportunity.

Grizzlies articulate their thoughts effectively using written and oral communication skills. They also understand that being a good listener is part of being a good communicator. Grizzlies take the lead by gaining public speaking skills, learning to express their ideas clearly, and mastering the art of writing and editing.

Diversity and Inclusion
OU is passionate about maintaining a diverse and inclusive campus for all students. This allows Grizzlies to value, respect and learn from diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations and religions. They demonstrate openness, inclusivity, sensitivity and respect when interacting with people from various backgrounds, beliefs and abilities.

The Diversity and Inclusion FLAG is important for students because this is a great opportunity for students to learn from faculty and students from other parts of the country and the world to expose themselves to new cultures, perspectives and experiences.

OU is passionate about maintaining a diverse and inclusive campus for all students. This allows Grizzlies to value, respect, and learn from diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religions. They demonstrate openness, inclusivity, sensitivity and respect when engaging and contributing to both the local and global community, and interacting with people from various backgrounds, beliefs and abilities.

Career Management
This FLAG is all about identifying and setting goals for employment while at OU or after graduation. Grizzlies explore and identify strengths, areas for growth and career paths using this FLAG. They explore career options and understand how to take steps to self-advocate and pursue their dream opportunities.

It's important for students to raise the career management flag while they're here at Oakland University because faculty, staff, their departments and career services are always offering different workshops, seminars, bringing in professionals and alumni who can help the students understand what to do with their career. It's important because we want to help them know what will be their next step. Will that next step be grad school or will it be that full time professional job? This skill is all about identifying and setting goals for employment while at OU or after graduation. Grizzlies explore and identify strengths, areas of growth and career paths using this skill. They explore career options and understand how to take steps to self-advocate and pursue their dream opportunities.

Teamwork and Collaboration
Grizzlies have the opportunity to build collaborative relationships with diverse students, alumni, staff and faculty members at OU. Grizzlies can also work effectively in a team with multiple viewpoints while delivering outstanding outcomes with this FLAG.

Teamwork and collaboration FLAG can be raised by students during their classroom experiences, as well as joining different student organizations, joining internships, co-ops, experiences, field work, service learning. There're a lot of opportunities that students could embrace through sports, through music and performing arts, where they could raise the teamwork and collaboration FLAG.

Grizzlies have the opportunity to build collaborative relationships with diverse students, alumni, staff, and faculty members at OU. Grizzlies can also work effectively in a team with multiple viewpoints while delivering outstanding outcomes with these skills.

Professionalism, Work Ethic and Integrity
FLAGs raised at OU lead to Grizzly greatness in the workplace. Grizzlies demonstrate effective work-habits like punctuality, time management and accountability. Also understand the impact of verbal and non-verbal communication on their professional work image. Grizzlies use integrity to build trust and establish long-lasting rapport in their interactions.

From an employer's perspective, it's super important for a candidate to have professionalism, work ethic and integrity because we are pouring our resources and development and training into you. We want to make sure that you have those key qualities like punctuality, dedication, dependability and ability to build trust, so we can best develop you to brand our company in the best way that we're trying to portray.

FLAGs raised at OU will lead to Grizzly greatness in the workplace. Grizzlies demonstrate effective work habits like punctuality, high management and accountability. They also understand the impact of verbal and nonverbal communication on their professional work years. Grizzlies use integrity to build trust and establish long-lasting rapport in their interactions.

With teamwork and collaboration comes an opportunity to stand out as a leader. Grizzlies thrive using this FLAG by leveraging the strengths of their team members and using their communication FLAG to coach and motivate the team as a whole. They can assess and manage ideas and thoughts brought forward in the group and organize, prioritize and delegate work.

This leadership flag has prepared me for life after graduation by giving me the opportunity to work in new and diverse groups, to challenge my perspectives, and to overall make an impact in the communities that I am a part of.
With teamwork and collaboration comes an opportunity to stand out as a leader. Grizzlies thrive using this skill by leveraging the strengths of their team members and using their communication skills to coach and motivate the team as a whole. They can assess and manage ideas brought forward in the group, as well as organize, prioritize, and delegate work.